Baldwin Chiu, producer and lead subject in the documentary "Far East Deep South" takes of picture of the Mississippi border.

Baldwin Chiu, a Chinese American from California, knew his grandfather was buried in Mississippi. How he ended up in the Deep South, Chiu did not know.

With his father and brother in tow, Chiu traveled to Mississippi to learn his family’s story. What he discovered was a little known history of Chinese immigrants in the Deep South. The family’s journey became “Far East Deep South,” a documentary directed by Chiu’s wife, Larissa Lam.

“Far East Deep South” premiers on PBS’s WORLD Channel on Tuesday, May 4 at 8 p.m. EST / 7 p.m. CST. The documentary will also be streaming throughout May on, and the PBS Video App.

The American South: Baldwin, what brought your ancestors and other Chinese people to Mississippi?