Keeping your foods properly stored in the cabinet or refrigerator is something that should be taken seriously. Not only will storing your food correctly make it last longer, but it can also keep you healthier. Improperly storing foods can lead to harmful bacteria and spoilage. Let’s take a look at a few helpful tips to keep your foods fresh and lasting longer.


Keep your vegetables stored in the food crisper in your refrigerator. You can put all your vegetables in there except for tomatoes, onions, potatoes and garlic. Keep your potatoes, onions and garlic in dark place, or even in a paper bag, but not the refrigerator.

You should keep your vegetables in plastic bags to hold their moisture and nutrients. You will also put tomatoes in a plastic bag after cutting them.


Most people think they should leave apples sitting out on the table in a fruit bowl, but the truth is, they should be stored in the refrigerator. All types of berries should also be stored in the refrigerator. One fruit that should never be put in the refrigerator though is a banana. It will immediately turn black. Not a pretty sight.

Melons, including watermelons, should be stored at regular room temperature until they become ripened. Once ripe they should then be stored in the refrigerator. The same can be said for grapes.

Other citrus type fruits can be left outside at room temperature or kept in the refrigerator. It doesn’t really matter with these fruits.

Frozen Foods

When freezing leftover foods, be sure to put them in an airtight container, or Ziploc bag to maintain freshness. If you don’t, you will have ice crystals form and your foods will be freezer burnt.

Meats, chicken and pork can also be put in the freezer to keep. Be sure you do not re-freeze these foods after thawing them out. You must use them after thawing, or throw them out.

Milk And Dairy Items

Naturally you will always store milk in the refrigerator, but be sure to keep an eye on the expiration date. Throw it out after the expiration date. Another good tip is to buy milk from the store with an expiration date well into the future. Look for gallon containers in the rear of the dairy shelves in the grocery store. They will have the latest expiration dates.

It is also a good idea to check expiration dates on all your dairy items at least once a week. This includes eggs also.


Always keep fish, meats, chicken and pork in the refrigerator until you prepare them for eating. You want to make sure you keep these items wrapped and away from other foods in your refrigerator to prevent bacteria and keep them from contaminating other foods.

One important tip to keep in mind is that fish should be eaten within two days of purchase.

Other Items

Keep your canned foods in a pantry that is cool and dark. This includes cereals, oils, breads and pasta.

Food storage certainly is not difficult, but it does require a little bit of attention on your part. By properly storing your foods you will keep your foods lasting longer and your family will stay healthier.

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